Vision and aims
Children’s Aims for the school
My school is...
"Brilliant because we take care of each other. We celebrate what other children have done. I always feel safe.
"Amazing because all the teachers are kind and helpful. Every teacher and pupil takes part.
"The best because I love playtime. There are lots of places to play. I love going in the writing corner. I love handwriting so much I can't stop it.
Tremendous because we learn new things every day. The work is interesting. We learn really fun maths. I love maths!
Fantastic because we respect each other. We are one big team. You make best friends at Holmesdale.
Epic because it is as much fun as your home. That's why it's called Holmesdale Infant School!
The school I love because we get to grow our rainbow brains every day. we never give in.
Holmesdale Infant School
To promote and enrich the development of children to achieve their full potential in a caring, happy, creative and stimulating environment.
‘The best me I can possibly be.’
To promote high achievement and learning for life by working with children to:
- Develop enquiring minds, the spirit of curiosity and creativity
- Become highly motivated, independent and life long learners
- Support good well-being in order to achieve strong self-esteem and confidence
- Respect themselves, others and the environment
- Be able to work independently and collaboratively with an awareness of next steps
- Have high expectations of themselves and achieve high standards in all areas of the curriculum
- Appreciate, respect and value the multicultural nature of our society
- Gain advanced technical skills
- Develop a sense of responsibility and spiritual, moral, social and personal reflection
- Develop physical skills to the full
We believe that each child will succeed through experiencing quality in:
- A stimulating, broad and challenging curriculum
- A happy, secure, creative and inspirational environment
- An ethos of support, challenge and encouragement to succeed
- An effective learning partnership between school, home and community
- Innovative teaching and an investigative approach to learning underpinned by effective assessment
- An enriched programme of extra curricular activities and visits
We will develop our learning community by:
- Striving for continuous improvement in all we do through a supportive programme of continuing professional development for all staff
- Working collaboratively, valuing and supporting each other in our respective roles within school and the wider community